Vores historie Dansk Hazara Forening blev officielt grundlagt 10. oktober 2021. Den oprindelige idé startede i sommeren 2021, hvor en gruppe unge danske Hazara var samlet for at kunne være en hjælp til deres længe undertrykte folk i Afghanistan. Mens de første skridt bliver taget, sker der noget, som for alvor fodfæster vigtigheden af denne organisation. Den 15 august 2021 bliver Afghanistan som et helt land overtaget af Taliban.

Event Date
30 juni 2023 08:00am
Event Location

J Buttler

Every Second Until the Case

generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or needy: to devote one’s life to charity. something given to a person or persons in need; alms: She asked for work, not charity. a charitable act or work. Thank you so much for visiting my page, something I never thought I would be setting up. Having fought stage IV cancer for almost two years, I have ran out of options which makes my diagnosis terminal

When I was 21 I had just finished my second year at Uni studying to be a primary school teacher, which is a career I have always dreamed of achieving. However, during my summer break in August 2017, my world turned upside down when I was diagnosed with an incredibly rare and aggressive cancer called Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma, stage 4.

The symptoms were so minimal (agonising back and leg pain) it had made its way around my full body by the time I was diagnosed. Since then I have undergone over 20 cycles of chemotherapy, 50 sessions of radiotherapy and numerous operations to try and stabilise my disease.


I have always dreamed of achieving. However, during my summer break in August 2017, my world turned upside down when I was diagnosed with an incredibly rare and aggressive cancer called Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma, stage 4. The symptoms were so minimal (agonising back and leg pain) it had made its way around my full body time I was diagnosed. Since then I have undergone over 20 cycles of chemotherapy, 50 sessions of radiotherapy and numerous operations to try and stabilise my disease.

At its most basic, charity means: giving someone something they need but can’t get for themselves. And normal that’s understood to mean something material. We overwhelmingly associate charity with giving money. The heroes of Christianity are exemplars of such charity.


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2600 Glostrup

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